The KyMaster

Ky is in Vancouver today on the homeward leg of his trip from NYC after a successful visit with us. He bought with him as a gift 3 boxes of fair trade organic coffee from Variety Coffee Roasters in New York; 2  boxes from Ethiopia [best growing conditions and quality he says] and one from El Salvador.

While here for the last 5 days he was up before anyone else [except yours truly "Sleepless Joe" thanks to my steroid meds] busily preparing a big pot of coffee for everyone.

I am still drinking caffeine free Rooibos [recommended by my sister Marilyn] due to restrictions on my current care med. I am still hoping the new pill dexamethasone will eventually counteract the lymphoma though I have been told it will not heal me. It is a palliative care measure to help reduce the swelling in my neck and face.

However I have noticed the last 2 days the swelling seems to have increased again. I can feel its presence in my mouth on the upper right of my throat, like a large rope resting close to the uvula.

I am trying hard not to focus on that but to breathe, and be…all the while releasing stress and breathing out light [for a hundred miles as Paul Reps used to advise]. I can still swallow and am enjoying my meals with gusto.

My son told me last night…Dad I still can’t believe your appetite!

He went for a walk yesterday afternoon down to one of the local beaches and bought home a piece of driftwood that looks like an African art piece, half animal, half spirit…maybe an eland or antelope head. He mounted that on the wall of the house out on the sundeck.

He also bought home a pristine eagle feather he found under a tree and will take that home with him along with a couple of other finds. I know he really enjoyed his stay with us but it was obvious he was dying to get back to the city he loves so much.

He is a real New Yorker now…reading a New Yorker magazine every day here…all that remains is for him to finally be issued a green card…but on this trip they extended his old one for a year. He has even adopted a New York [Brooklyn- his home] accent! He has been down there for nearly 10 years now.

He has fallen in love and had his heart broken…was devastated but is surviving nicely thank you very much.

He lives alone in a tiny tenement apartment and has a car, a truck and a second motorcycle…his first was stolen. He commutes to work each day by foot or on subway if headed to the Manhattan properties.

He is no longer working as a barista but as a developer for the company out of an office in one of the coffee shops. He calls his boss Gavin a hot head but it seems they have a mutual understanding…hey it’s Brooklyn! He is on a bowling team that remind me of the old Bowery Boys movie clips.

He has an impressive coterie of professional and non professional friends.

He says that in the end if he is not accepted for a green card he may go traveling again but was not specific about that.

He came into my room last night to say goodbye and I told him how proud I am of him and that he chose to take a risk with his future and travel.

I think he was happy to have made the trip here if only for my sake but, he obviously enjoyed the break from that intense New York life.

One of Chaya’s friends commented on the natural ease of Ky and his sister Chaya together and that it must bring me joy.

It does and in spades!


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